

2020-05-09 08:10:01初二486


  第二部分 笔试部分(100分)一、单项选择题。(15 分) 21. What’s __________ ? – I have a sore back.A . the wrong B. the matter C. matter D. trouble 22.__________ more vegetables is good for our health.A .Eating B. Eat C. ate D. eats 23.My brother used to _________ computer games at home after supper .But now he is used to _________ his homework after supper.A . play, do B. playing , do C. playing , doing D. play, doing 24. Gina eats ________ junk food so she is __________fat.A . too many, too much B. too much, too manyC. too much, much too D. too many, much too 25. The old woman lives_________, but she doesn’t feel__________.A . alone, alone B. lonely, lonelyC. lonely, alone D. alone, lonely 26. Could you __________ pictures on the wall?A . not to draw B. don’t draw C. not draw D. not drawing 27.Bob wants to fix up the bikes and _________ to the poor children.A . give away them B. give them awayC. give out them D. give off them 28. Aron likes to climb the mountains by___________.A. him B. himself C. his D. he 29.- Would you like the red shirt or the black one?-__________. I’d like the white one.A. Both B. Either C. Neither D. None 30. The ______ you work at your lessons, the _______ results you will get.A .hard, good B. harder, good C. hard, better D. harder, better 31.He looks upset. He doesn’t know_________.A .what to do it. B. how to do it.

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